

  • Postiaeg: 10-30-2023

    Material: high tenacity brand new polypropylene Features;. ①High resistance to bacteria and fungi, as well as acid and alkali resistance, unfavourable to the growth of salmonella. ② Suur sitkus ja madal pikenemine. ③Non-absorbent, unrestricted by humidity, good resistance to rapid...Loe edasi»

  • Postiaeg: 10-21-2023

    With the gradual increase of labour costs, automatic cutting machine is more and more popular in the market, but due to the improvement of work efficiency, the number of cuts become more, the replacement speed of the cutting machine belt becomes faster, the ordinary belt ei saa turule täita ...Loe edasi»

  • Postiaeg: 10-21-2023

    High Temperature Conveyor Belt,Heat Resistant and Scorch Resistant Conveyor Belt,High Temperature Resistant and Scorch Resistant Conveyor Belt for Clinker in Cement Plant,High Temperature Resistant and Scorch Resistant Conveyor Belt for Slag in Steel Plant,Extend the life span of High Temperature.. .Loe edasi»

  • Kummikonveieri rihmahoolduse näpunäited!
    Postiaeg: 10-18-2023

    In the daily use of conveyor belts, there are often conveyor belt damages caused by improper maintenance, resulting in tearing the belt. If you want to avoid these problems, you have to pay attention to the maintenance of the conveyor belt in the usual use. Millised on näpunäited kummikonveo ...Loe edasi»

  • Postiaeg: 10-18-2023

    There are several main reasons for this situation: (1) Laying too short to produce the number of deflection exceeds the limit value, early aging. (2) Friction with fixed hard objects during operation produces tearing. (3) Vöö ja raami vaheline hõõrdumine, mille tulemuseks on serva tõmbamine ja Crac ...Loe edasi»

  • Postiaeg: 10-18-2023

    Runout in the same part of the conveyor belt Causes 1、 Conveyor belt joints are not connected correctly 2、 Conveyor belt edge wear, deformation after moisture absorption 3、 Bending of conveyor belt Conveyor belt deflection near the same rollers Causes 1、 Local bending and deformation o...Loe edasi»

  • Postiaeg: 10-17-2023

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  • Postiaeg: 10-13-2023

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  • Toidukvaliteediga valge kummist konveieri vöö eelised!

    The mainstream rubber conveyor belts on the market are black, which are widely used in mining, metallurgy, steel, coal, hydropower, building materials, chemical industry, grain and other industries. Kuid lisaks mustale kummikonveierile on olemas ka valge kummist konveierilint, wh ...Loe edasi»

  • The advantages of Easy Clean Tape are mainly reflected in the following aspects: (1) Adopting A+ raw materials, fusing new polymer additives, non-toxic and odourless, it can be in direct contact with seafood and aquatic products, and meets the US FDA toidu sertifikaat; (2) Adopt international c...Loe edasi»

  • Tähelepanu mereannid ja kalatöötlemise tehaste omanikud! Siin on mereandide konveier, mis suudab karvaseid krabisid toimetada!

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